🤔️ Need to execute tasks in bulk?

GIF Demo

👍️️️️️️ Try GPT for Sheets!

  • 📄 Create product descriptions at once
  • 💼 Generate leads and enrich data
  • 🔗️️️️️️ Scrapping sites
  • 🌎 Google Search
  • 🔍 Programmatic SEO & bulk page generation
  • 📣 AI-powered social media post generator
  • 📈 Extract top-ranked competitor keywords
  • 🤖 Support Perplexity, Claude, Mistral, Gemini, OpenRoute

Truly Unique Human Generated Content in 2024

Case of usage:

100% Unique Article Meta Title Meta Descripton H2 + H3 Keyphrase Hashtags.


Before starting the tutorial, make sure you have the following ready to use these prompts in Google Sheets for batch results:

Enabling GPT Functions

If you cannot see the GPT functions in your spreadsheet, follow these steps to enable them:

  1. Go to Extensions in the menu.
  2. Navigate to GPT for Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms.
  3. Select Launch.

Prompt for GPT in Google Sheets:

As a writer, your task is to rewrite articles to ensure they are 100% unique and human-like, suitable for content marketing and adhering to SEO strategies, while also passing plagiarism checks.

Heading 2:  
Heading 3:  

Reply only in [TARGETLANGUAGE] language.

Your task is: [PROMPT]

For more information visit https://docgpt.ai/gpt-for-sheets/.

Use following formula inside GPT for Sheets


Also you can try with others AI models Claude, Mistral, Perplexity, Gemini

Here some examples for calling this models in Google Sheets:

=CLAUDE(prompt) =MISTRAL(prompt) =GEMINI(prompt) =PERPLEXITY(prompt)

Try also SERP() function for getting top keywords, titles for a Google Search query in Google Sheets

Get top ranked pages for docgpt.ai:


As we step into 2024, the demand for authentic and unique human-generated content is skyrocketing, creating ample opportunities for businesses and creators alike. One of the primary benefits of using this AI-powered prompt is its ability to generate truly exceptional content that resonates with the target audience, boosting engagement and conversion rates. Unique content helps businesses stand out in a crowded digital landscape, thereby enhancing brand visibility and recognition. Additionally, this AI prompt assists in overcoming writer’s block, offering a continuous flow of innovative ideas and perspectives that enrich the narrative quality. It ensures the content remains fresh and relevant, catering to the ever-changing preferences of consumers. This consistency and originality play a crucial role in improving search engine rankings, as search algorithms increasingly prioritize valuable, in-depth content that genuinely addresses user needs. Furthermore, the prompt fosters creativity by providing a robust foundation upon which writers can build, experimenting with different styles and tones. This versatility allows businesses to craft personalized messages that resonate on a deeper level with their audience, strengthening customer loyalty and trust. Embracing this AI tool in 2024 not only streamlines the content creation process but significantly enhances the return on investment through improved audience retention and engagement metrics.