GPT for Google Sheets, Docs AI, Slides, Forms

GPT for Google Sheets (and Claude, Gemini, Mistral) - Great fit for Lean SEO and Programmatic SEO

Leverage the GPT (GPT-4o-Mini, GPT-4o, GPT-4 Turbo, GPT-4 Turbo), Claude, Mistral, and Gemini AI models within Google Sheets to seamlessly incorporate the power of GPT-4o, GPT-3 Turbo, GPT-4, Claude, and Gemini directly into your spreadsheets. Enjoy a seamless experience straight out of the box, without the hassle of dealing with API keys. Setup is simple and hassle-free.

Find perfect plan
Annually Monthly
$14.99/ mo
  • 500 queries / month
  • No need for API keys
  • SERP function to get top results from the Search
  • WEB Scraping functions
  • Support 90+ languages
  • GPT to get the result of ChatGPT in a single cell
  • GPT_TABLE, GPT_LIST to get a table of items from a prompt
  • GPT_FORMAT to sanitize your sheet data into the same format
  • GPT_EXTRACT to extract entities from your Sheets™ data
  • GPT_SUMMARIZE to summarize your sheet content
  • GPT_CLASSIFY to classify sheet content into a single category
  • GPT_TAG to apply tags to your sheet content
  • GPT_TRANSLATE to translate your spreadsheet content
  • GPT_CONVERT to convert CSV to HTML to JSON to XML, etc.
  • GPT_APPLY to apply any AI processing of you text
  • GPT_SPLIT to split your text by phrase, sentence, etc..
  • Online Support
  • Weekly feature updates
$11.17/ mo
Billed $133.99 annually
  • Save 30%
  • 500 queries / month
  • Access to all features
  • No need for API keys
  • SERP function to get top results from the Search
  • WEB Scraping functions
  • Support 90+ languages
  • GPT to get the result of ChatGPT in a single cell
  • GPT_TABLE to get a table of items from a prompt
  • GPT_FORMAT to sanitize your sheet data into the same format
  • GPT_EXTRACT to extract entities from your Sheets™ data
  • GPT_SUMMARIZE to summarize your sheet content
  • GPT_CLASSIFY to classify sheet content into a single category
  • GPT_TAG to apply tags to your sheet content
  • GPT_TRANSLATE to translate your spreadsheet content
  • GPT_CONVERT to convert CSV to HTML to JSON to XML, etc.
  • GPT_APPLY to apply any AI processing of you text
  • GPT_SPLIT to split your text by phrase, sentence, etc..
  • Online Support
  • Weekly feature updates
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rated 4.8/5 out of 500+ reviews and 1M+ installs
Jim James

I purchased an annual subscription for the Professional version. Can't tell you how excited I am!

Ryan Hotchkiss - Senior Digital Marketing Manager

Jim James

I've employed this add-on within Sheets to craft SEO-focused product descriptions, meta descriptions, and meta titles for more than 300 products. It's been a lifesaver!

Vice President of Human Resources at iLoveToCreate

Get Started

How to use GPT for Sheets to generate 1000+ SEO titles, meta tag descriptions, content

How to use ChatGPT in Google Sheets for generation 1000+ product descriptions

Supported Functions

Function Description
=API(method, url, body, headers) Allows you to pull and push content on your site, service, database.
=GPT(prompt, [value]) Generates text based on the provided prompt using GPT models (GPT-3 or GPT-4).
=SERP(query) Retrieves search engine results pages (SERP) for the specified query.
=CLAUDE(prompt) Generates text based on the provided prompt using the Claude model.
=GEMINI(prompt) Generates text based on the provided prompt using the Gemini model.
=MISTRAL(prompt) Generates text based on the provided prompt using the Mistral model.
=GPT_VISION(url, prompt) Analyzes an image from the provided URL and generates text based on the prompt.
=GPT_TAG(text, [tags]) Tags the provided text with the specified tags.
=WEB_URL("") Retrieves the URL from the specified web address.
=WEB_TITLE("") Retrieves the title from the specified web address.
=WEB_DESCRIPTION("") Retrieves the description from the specified web address.
=WEB_H1("") Retrieves the first-level heading (H1) from the specified web address.
=WEB_H2("") Retrieves the second-level heading (H2) from the specified web address.
=WEB_HEADINGS("") Retrieves all the headings from the specified web address.
=WEB_PARAGRAPHS("") Retrieves all the paragraphs from the specified web address.
=WEB_URLS_DATA(A37:A39) Retrieves data from the URLs specified in the range A37:A39.
=GPT_EXTRACT(text, to_extract) Extracts specified information from the provided text.
=GPT_TRANSLATE(text, target, [source]) Translates the provided text to the target language, with an optional source language.
=GPT_SUMMARIZE(text, [format]) Summarizes the provided text, with an optional specified format.
=GPT_FORMAT(text, source, target) Converts the provided text from the source format to the target format.
=GPT_CLASSIFY(text, categories) Classifies the provided text into the specified categories.
=GPT_FILL(examples, inputs) Fills in the blanks in the provided inputs based on the examples given.
=GPT_LIST(prompt, [value]) Generates a list based on the provided prompt.
=GPT_HLIST(prompt, [value]) Generates a hierarchical list based on the provided prompt.
=GPT_SPLIT(text, split_by) Splits the provided text by the specified delimiter.
=GPT_HSPLIT(text, split_by) Splits the provided text hierarchically by the specified delimiter.
=GPT_APPLY(text, [task]) Applies the specified task to the provided text.
=GPT_TABLE(prompt, headers) Generates a table based on the provided prompt and headers.

Scraping WEB functions: Content, title, description, h1, h2, paragraphs, fetch in bulk

Use GPT function to create and rewrite content

Chat GPT in Google Sheets for creation and rewriting content
Syntax =GPT(prompt, [value])
Copy/paste example =GPT("Write a tagline for BMW")
Copy/paste example =GPT("Write a tagline for", B5)
Copy/paste example - arrays =GPT(A1:B4)
Copy/paste example - several cells =GPT(A1 & B4)
Localization In some Google Sheets localization, you need to use ";" to separate parameters instead of ","

=SERP() functions return the top 20 search results from the Search Engine with the URL, meta title, and meta description.

Chat GPT in Google Sheets - retry functions with errors

Re-try functions with errors

Chat GPT in Google Sheets - retry functions with errors

Use GPT function to improve product description

GPT function for improving product description for online stores - Ebay, Amazon, Shopify
Change writing tone inside GPT for Sheets
Syntax =GPT(prompt, [value])
Copy/paste example =GPT("Make shorter this product name max 3 words", A16)
Copy/paste example =GPT("Make this product name more for Ebay customers", A22)
Localization In some Google Sheets localization, you need to use ";" to separate parameters instead of ","

Use GPT function for generation SEO metadata

GPT function for Sheets to generate SEO metadata
Syntax =GPT(prompt, [value])
Copy/paste example =GPT("Write Responsive Display Google Ads description: ", "Travel Agency")
Localization In some Google Sheets localization, you need to use ";" to separate parameters instead of ","

Use GPT_VISION allows the model to take in images and answer questions about them

Use GPT_VISION allows the model to take in images and answer questions about them
Syntax =GPT_VISION(url, prompt)
Copy/paste example =GPT_VISION(",q_auto:eco/b7d9211c-26e7-431a-ac24-b0540fb3c00f/air-force-1-07-mens-shoes-jBrhbr.png", "Write a short description for this product")
Copy/paste example =GPT_VISION(A1, A2)
Localization In some Google Sheets localization, you need to use ";" to separate parameters instead of ","

Use GPT_TRANSLATE function to translate your text into 90+ languages

GPT_TRANSLATE function to translate your metadata, description, sites in Google Sheets
Syntax =GPT_TRANSLATE(text, target, [source])
Copy/paste example =GPT_TRANSLATE(A30, "norwegian","english")
Localization In some Google Sheets localization, you need to use ";" to separate parameters instead of ","

Use GPT_EXTRACT emails, first names, last names, countries...

GPT_EXTRACT function emails, first names, last names, countries
Syntax =GPT_EXTRACT(text, to_extract)
Copy/paste example =GPT_EXTRACT(A43,"email address")
Copy/paste example =GPT_EXTRACT(A50,"phone number")
Copy/paste example =GPT_EXTRACT(A57,"country")
Localization In some Google Sheets localization, you need to use ";" to separate parameters instead of ","

Use GPT_CLASSIFY to make sentiment analysis for comments, feedbacks, text

GPT_CLASSIFY sentiment analysis for comments, feedbacks, text
Syntax =GPT_CLASSIFY(text, categories) ➡️
Copy/paste example =GPT_CLASSIFY(A54,"very positive, positive, neutral, negative, very negative")
Localization In some Google Sheets localization, you need to use ";" to separate parameters instead of ","

Use GPT_TAG - Categorize or classify text with tags, keywords

GPT_TAG helps to categorize and classify text
Syntax =GPT_TAG(text, [tags])
Copy/paste example =GPT_TAG(A61, "travel, positive, nature, sunset, car, building, ai")
Copy/paste example =GPT_TAG(A62, "entertainment, positive, car, building")
Localization In some Google Sheets localization, you need to use ";" to separate parameters instead of ","

GPT_TABLE generates a table with data

Syntax =GPT_TABLE(prompt, [headers])
Copy/paste example =GPT_TABLE("top 10 most popular cities and their population")
Copy/paste example =GPT_TABLE("top 10 most popular cities and their population", A1:C1)
Localization In some Google Sheets localization, you need to use ";" to separate parameters instead of ","

GPT_LIST/GPT_HLIST generating a list with data

Syntax =GPT_LIST(prompt, [value])
Copy/paste example =GPT_LIST("top 10 most popular cities")
Copy/paste example =GPT_HLIST("top 10 most popular cities")
Localization In some Google Sheets localization, you need to use ";" to separate parameters instead of ","

GPT_SPLIT/GPT_HSPLIT splits text semantically, such as by section, paragraph, sentence, customer...

Syntax =GPT_SPLIT(text, split_by)
Copy/paste example =GPT_SPLIT("The sky is blue. The cat purrs softly. The sun shines brightly.", "sentences")
Copy/paste example =GPT_HSPLIT("The sky is blue. The cat purrs softly. The sun shines brightly.", "sentences")
Localization In some Google Sheets localization, you need to use ";" to separate parameters instead of ","

GPT_APPLY utilizes the specified task on the provided text, with the default objective being to correct grammar and spelling errors

Syntax =GPT_APPLY(text, [task])
Copy/paste example =GPT_APPLY("He hav a book", "fix grammar and spelling")
Localization In some Google Sheets localization, you need to use ";" to separate parameters instead of ","