🤔️ Need to execute tasks in bulk?

GIF Demo

👍️️️️️️ Try GPT for Sheets!

  • 📄 Create product descriptions at once
  • 💼 Generate leads and enrich data
  • 🔗️️️️️️ Scrapping sites
  • 🌎 Google Search
  • 🔍 Programmatic SEO & bulk page generation
  • 📣 AI-powered social media post generator
  • 📈 Extract top-ranked competitor keywords
  • 🤖 Support Perplexity, Claude, Mistral, Gemini, OpenRoute

Facebook Ads Hook Generator for 2024

Case of usage:

Generate endless ad hooks/angles for anything you’re promoting with Facebook or Instagram ads.


Before starting the tutorial, make sure you have the following ready to use these prompts in Google Sheets for batch results:

Enabling GPT Functions

If you cannot see the GPT functions in your spreadsheet, follow these steps to enable them:

  1. Go to Extensions in the menu.
  2. Navigate to GPT for Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms.
  3. Select Launch.

Prompt for GPT in Google Sheets:

Ignore all prior instructions before this: I'm trying to come up with ideas for different hooks to promote something on a facebook ad. 

For example: If I'm trying to promote a hammer, I might have these 3 hooks...

Hook #1: The best way to put a nail into your wall

Hook #2: The best tool for hanging your paintings. 

Hook #3: The perfect tool to make your house beautiful. 

Hook #4: The most trusted tool by professionals around the world. 

Another example: if I'm trying to promote a lead magnet about "client acquisition", I might have these 3 hooks... 

Hook #1: Keep yourself booked solid.

Hook #2: No more feast or famine months.

Hook #3: Stop waiting around for clients to find you.  

I need you to create a list of 10 potential hooks about [PROMPT].

Each hook should be one sentence, be written in [TARGETLANGUAGE], and should be a different reason someone may want to click on my ad. 

Each idea needs to use copywriting and persuasion best practices to draw users to take action. 

Use following formula inside GPT for Sheets


Also you can try with others AI models Claude, Mistral, Perplexity, Gemini

Here some examples for calling this models in Google Sheets:

=CLAUDE(prompt) =MISTRAL(prompt) =GEMINI(prompt) =PERPLEXITY(prompt)

Try also SERP() function for getting top keywords, titles for a Google Search query in Google Sheets

Get top ranked pages for docgpt.ai:



The Facebook Ads Hook Generator for 2024 is an indispensable tool for digital marketers seeking to enhance their advertising campaigns on the world’s largest social media platform. This innovative AI-driven generator is designed to craft compelling, attention-grabbing hooks that can significantly improve the effectiveness of your Facebook Ads. One major benefit is its ability to save considerable time and effort; marketers no longer need to brainstorm endlessly to create engaging content. By leveraging advanced algorithms, the generator can analyze audience preferences and emerging trends, ensuring that each hook is tailored to resonate with your target demographic. Additionally, the AI’s data-driven insights enable more precise and impactful messaging, which can lead to higher click-through rates and improved conversion rates. For businesses aiming to optimize ad spend, this tool offers the advantage of reducing costs by maximizing the return on investment through more efficient ad performance. Overall, the Facebook Ads Hook Generator for 2024 is set to revolutionize the way businesses approach social media advertising, making it easier than ever to craft powerful, effective hooks that cut through the noise and capture audience attention.