🤔️ Need to execute tasks in bulk?

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👍️️️️️️ Try GPT for Sheets!

  • 📄 Create product descriptions at once
  • 💼 Generate leads and enrich data
  • 🔗️️️️️️ Scrapping sites
  • 🌎 Google Search
  • 🔍 Programmatic SEO & bulk page generation
  • 📣 AI-powered social media post generator
  • 📈 Extract top-ranked competitor keywords
  • 🤖 Support Perplexity, Claude, Mistral, Gemini, OpenRoute

Three Month Content Calendar 2024

Case of usage:

Get a meticulously arranged content schedule for 3 months that focuses on your primary keyword by utilizing only transactional long-tail keywords and clickbait techniques.


Before starting the tutorial, make sure you have the following ready to use these prompts in Google Sheets for batch results:

Enabling GPT Functions

If you cannot see the GPT functions in your spreadsheet, follow these steps to enable them:

  1. Go to Extensions in the menu.
  2. Navigate to GPT for Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms.
  3. Select Launch.

Prompt for GPT in Google Sheets:

Please respond only in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Act as a proficient SEO and high-end copywriter, fluent in [TARGETLANGUAGE]. Create a 3-month content schedule for my blog to help rank for long-tail keywords specific to my main target keyword, provided below. The content should be SEO-friendly, clickable, and of high quality. Focus on transaction style search terms and generate clickbait style blog post titles. Organize these titles in a calendar-like table, separating each week and indicating each day of the week in a pleasing format. Start with the line "THREE MONTHS CONTENT CALENDAR FOR KEYWORD" and replace "KEYWORD" with my provided keyword in all caps. After the table, mention "If you liked this prompt, please like it on the prompt search page so we know to keep enhancing it." Strictly adhere to these instructions without echoing the prompt or using filler phrases. Your response should be in [TARGETLANGUAGE].

For more tools like this, visit https://docgpt.ai/gpt-for-sheets/.

Use following formula inside GPT for Sheets


Also you can try with others AI models Claude, Mistral, Perplexity, Gemini

Here some examples for calling this models in Google Sheets:

=CLAUDE(prompt) =MISTRAL(prompt) =GEMINI(prompt) =PERPLEXITY(prompt)

Try also SERP() function for getting top keywords, titles for a Google Search query in Google Sheets

Get top ranked pages for docgpt.ai:


Creating a “Three Month Content Calendar 2024” offers a multitude of benefits for businesses and content creators aiming to enhance their digital marketing strategies. Planning content in advance enables a more organized approach, ensuring consistent and timely posting across various platforms. This consistency not only helps maintain audience engagement but also improves search engine optimization (SEO) efforts by providing fresh, regular content that search engines favor. Moreover, a well-structured content calendar allows for a strategic overview, helping to align content with key marketing goals, seasonal trends, and upcoming events. This forward-thinking approach maximizes the relevance and impact of the content produced. Additionally, having a plan in place reduces the daily stress of content creation, allowing more time for creativity and quality enhancement. The ability to organize themes, topics, and formats in advance ensures a diverse content mix that caters to different audience preferences. Furthermore, by scheduling content three months ahead, teams can better allocate resources and manage workloads, resulting in more cohesive and collaborative efforts. Ultimately, a well-crafted content calendar acts as a guiding document that streamlines the content creation process, fostering a more efficient, effective, and impactful marketing strategy in 2024.