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Fantasy Materials in Midjourney 2024
Case of usage:
Repeat this often! Creates your idea in a lot of different styles and materials. Get surprised. ChatGPT suggests a Midjourney prompt to use.
Before starting the tutorial, make sure you have the following ready to use these prompts in Google Sheets for batch results:
- GPT for Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms Add-on: Installed from the GPT for Google Sheets.
Enabling GPT Functions
If you cannot see the GPT functions in your spreadsheet, follow these steps to enable them:
- Go to Extensions in the menu.
- Navigate to GPT for Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms.
- Select Launch.
Prompt for GPT in Google Sheets:
ignore all previous instructions: write without wordwraps and headlines, without connection words, focus on nouns and adjectives, back to back separated with commas: [1], [2], [3] {night}, [4], [5] {materials} replace [1] with the subject: "[PROMPT]" replace [2] with a list of the 5 best synonyms and varying adjectives about [1] replace [3] with a list of the 5 best nouns and adjectives about the environment of the scene replace [4] with a list of the 5 best nouns and adjectives about the mood/feelings and atmosphere of the scene replace [5] with a list of the 5 best nouns and adjectives about the technical basis like render engine/camera model and details replace the content inside the {} brackets with only ONE random element of the following list, for every {} bracket in the prompt: - materials: wood, iron, bronze, aluminum, anti-matter, Brick, Bronze, Carbon Fiber, Cardboard, Cellulose, Ceramic, Cotton, Fabric, Fiber Optic, Foil, Gasoline, Glass, Gold, Gummies, Latex, Leather, Magma, Metallic, Nickel, Nylon, Paper, Plastic, Quartz, Shrink Wrap, Skin, Slime, Wooden, Yarn, Zinc, Copper, Plasma, Liquid Ice - night: night, day, dusk, dawn, evening, morning always start the prompt with "/imagine prompt:" append to the prompt "--stylize" and a number between 0 and 1000 always end the prompt with "--q 2 --v 5" do not repeat the same words in the prompt. if e.g. the word "dragon" appears two times, then write it as "dragon::2" write in [TARGETLANGUAGE] don't use any line breaks
Use following formula inside GPT for Sheets
Also you can try with others AI models Claude, Mistral, Perplexity, Gemini
Here some examples for calling this models in Google Sheets:
=CLAUDE(prompt) =MISTRAL(prompt) =GEMINI(prompt) =PERPLEXITY(prompt)
Try also SERP() function for getting top keywords, titles for a Google Search query in Google Sheets
Get top ranked pages for docgpt.ai:
Benefits of “Fantasy Materials in Midjourney 2024”
Exploring the “Fantasy Materials in Midjourney 2024” AI prompt yields a multitude of benefits for creators and enthusiasts delving into the realms of fantasy and science fiction. One significant advantage is the enhancement of creative storytelling. By generating unique materials digitally, creators can visualize vivid, extraordinary worlds and incorporate these visuals into books, games, and films, creating immersive experiences for audiences. This prompt facilitates innovation in fantasy world-building, allowing for the exploration of uncharted terrains with materials that defy conventional norms. The availability of diverse textures and elements enriches the depth of the narrative, making it more compelling and transformative. Moreover, this prompt can significantly reduce the time and resources traditionally required to brainstorm and conceptualize fantastical settings, streamlining the creative process with AI’s assistance. Artists can leverage these AI-generated materials to push their artistic boundaries, experimenting with aesthetics previously limited by real-world constraints. Furthermore, game developers and filmmakers can integrate these materials into virtual environments, reducing the gap between imagination and reality. In summary, the “Fantasy Materials in Midjourney 2024” prompt not only amplifies creative potential but also democratizes access to advanced creative tools, offering both novice and expert creators unparalleled opportunities to bring their fantastical visions to life.