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👍️️️️️️ Try GPT for Sheets!

  • 📄 Create product descriptions at once
  • 💼 Generate leads and enrich data
  • 🔗️️️️️️ Scrapping sites
  • 🌎 Google Search
  • 🔍 Programmatic SEO & bulk page generation
  • 📣 AI-powered social media post generator
  • 📈 Extract top-ranked competitor keywords
  • 🤖 Support Perplexity, Claude, Mistral, Gemini, OpenRoute

Resume Summary Creator 2024

Case of usage:

Copy and paste your resume to create a general summary of your work/education experiences.


Before starting the tutorial, make sure you have the following ready to use these prompts in Google Sheets for batch results:

Enabling GPT Functions

If you cannot see the GPT functions in your spreadsheet, follow these steps to enable them:

  1. Go to Extensions in the menu.
  2. Navigate to GPT for Sheets, Docs, Slides, Forms.
  3. Select Launch.

Prompt for GPT in Google Sheets:

_Edit this resume for clarity, content, format, and grammar. Suggest improvements in overall structure and organization. Follow industry standards, and avoid personal opinions. Be clear and concise with your words, including a professional tone and clear description of the candidates best strengths._ 

For more assistance, visit [DocGPT.AI](https://docgpt.ai/gpt-for-sheets/).

Please provide your resume: [PROMPT]

Use following formula inside GPT for Sheets


Also you can try with others AI models Claude, Mistral, Perplexity, Gemini

Here some examples for calling this models in Google Sheets:

=CLAUDE(prompt) =MISTRAL(prompt) =GEMINI(prompt) =PERPLEXITY(prompt)

Try also SERP() function for getting top keywords, titles for a Google Search query in Google Sheets

Get top ranked pages for docgpt.ai:


Benefits of Using the Resume Summary Creator 2024

In the competitive job market of 2024, the Resume Summary Creator stands out as an invaluable tool for job seekers aiming to make a memorable first impression. This advanced AI-driven tool streamlines the process of crafting a professional and impactful resume summary, a crucial element in grabbing the attention of potential employers. One of the key benefits is its ability to personalize summaries for different industries and job roles, ensuring that each resume is tailored to specific employer needs. The intuitive interface makes it accessible to users with varying degrees of technical expertise, allowing them to generate high-quality summaries swiftly and efficiently. By leveraging natural language processing, the tool can highlight an individual’s key achievements and strengths, translating them into concise and compelling narratives that resonate with hiring managers. Additionally, the Resume Summary Creator 2024 helps in optimizing summaries with relevant keywords, enhancing visibility in Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and increasing the chances of passing initial screening processes. With constant updates and insights into the latest hiring trends and job market demands, this tool ensures that users stay ahead of the curve by presenting themselves as dynamic and adaptable candidates. Ultimately, it saves time and boosts confidence by providing a polished and professional edge in resume presentation.